October 14, 2019
Moinblockchain’19- Meet our speakers
At this year’s moinblockchain conference on October 18th, many inspiring speakers will be present. We already asked in advance where our speakers got their enthusiasm for Blockchain from and why the topic has a lot of potential for the future. Today we introduce you to Julia Schüssler- Rost and Carolin Raspé.
Julia Schlösser-Rost is a specialist lawyer for public commercial law with a focus on data protection, information security and healthcare. She studied German and French law in Potsdam and Paris and worked with Hengeler Müller in Frankfurt and Berlin as well as with Slaughter and May in London. Her interest in Blockchain began because of the potential to make data and information exchange more secure and efficient.
Dr. Carolin Raspé is a lawyer specializing in regulatory law and compliance. She studied at Bucerius Law School in Hamburg and LUISS in Rome and then worked with Hengeler Mueller in Berlin and Davis Polk in New York. Her interest in Blockchain began while working in New York on a large cybersecurity project for several international clients in 207⁄2018, when the GDPR and various US federal regulations on data security came into force.
Julia and Carolin will report at the conference on October 18,2019 on EU data protection and the challenges for blockchain applications. The EU has introduced high standards in the areas of data protection and information security. Developing blockchain applications that meet these standards can be challenging - or in some cases impossible. After a brief summary of the legal framework, they will look at concrete use cases, discuss their apparent incompatibility with EU data protection legislation and identify some practical solutions.
Dear Julia and dear Carolin, to what extent do you have to do with Blockchain?
As data privacy and IT security are key for blockchain applications, we see more and more blockchain-related questions. There is an increased demand for legal advice on all aspects of blockchain – from data privacy to anti money laundering and regulatory as well as contract law.
What do you like about Blockchain?
Its potential reaching far beyond crypto currencies is really impressive! To discover all the use cases from charging your electric car over, finding out where the fish you want to eat comes from to decentralizing energy supply.
How did you come to the topic?
It is almost impossible to ignore it – in the press and at work. As data privacy and compliance lawyers, this new technology enters our practice in two ways: First, from clients that are wondering how to make their blockchain idea compliant with all kinds of applicable laws and regulations and second, as a new technology that could revolutionize our legal work as we know it (smart contracts, legal tech etc.)
Why do you think Blockchain is important for the future?
Despite its legal and factual challenges, its promise of transparency and immutability can create trust in almost any area of interpersonal relationships.