July 3, 2018
The Code to your Future - Programming workshop for high school graduates
Last week we held our successful, first programming workshop for high school graduates! We consider it essential to address young women and girls in particular and to convince them of the exciting work in the technical and IT areas. To achieve our goal of creating a development community where women and men have equal opportunities to shape the digital future, we have organized a workshop for young women who are in a gap year between school and university. From 26.06. - 28.06.2018 the participants had the opportunity to ask questions to female role models from three well-known tech companies and at the same time to prove their IT knowledge in the form of a coding challenge.
Who is interested in our current summer camp can get more infos here.
A journey through three companies
On Tuesdays we were guests at fischerAppelt, a content marketing and PR agency based in Hamburg-Eimsbüttel. There Hanne and Julia actively supported us in the first phase of the programming project. The goal was to program a small web application with nice features with the help of JavaScript within two days. The participants learned the basics and logic behind one of the most well-known programming languages. In addition to programming, there was also enough time to ask employees in the respective companies about their careers and valuable tips.
On our second workshop day we were allowed to visit eSailors in the heart of Hamburg city centre. Mareen and Sophie took a lot of time to answer questions and show the next generation of female developers their beautiful office with Alsterblick. As the day before, the focus was on the implementation of the coding soundtracks, in which we were actively supported by Josue and Oliver. Under the guidance of the developers, the participants successfully tried to find solutions for the various requirements we had for the web application.
The third and last day we spent at Google. The participants were able to present their successful results and exchange views again. Martin also offered us an exciting guided tour through Google’s office building, where we got to know the innovative and creative workplaces of the Google developers. An important realization was, of course, that the fun at work should not be neglected either ;)
We spent three educational and exciting days with very talented young women and are pleased with the positive feedback that Tanja Zeeb, the project coordinator of Pro Technical, has given us. The events also made a great impression on the developers who guided the high school graduates. Hanne let us know that she thinks such events are very important “to get more girls interested in technical professions. The hurdle often seems insurmountable for girls, since society often still conveys an old role model. In the beginning, it was only women who worked in computer science and made the connections.” This is exactly what we at moinworld are committed to, and we look forward to convincing more women of the exciting work in the tech sector. We also want to say a big thank you to the extremely talented participants: You did a great job and we hope that we could convince at least a few of you that you are in good hands in the tech and IT area.
Sinja Ruffra