
New year resolutions

In 2019, I’m going to… lose weight work out more drink less …learn to code?! It’s January 2019. No New Year’s resolutions? No problem! Forget the usual resolutions of hitting the gym or starting to detox! Why not embrace coding with moinworld? Learn a new skill, meet new people and become part of tech community of over two thousand people in Germany. We want women to become more confident and better represented in tech, so we have courses suitable for all levels and ages.


IT Executive Club presents ITEC Cares Award 2019 and honors moinworld

The award honours initiatives that introduce information technology topics in schools, vocational training and universities. “The IT skills shortage is hampering innovation, digitisation and growth in the Hamburg metropolitan region,” says Raphael Vaino, explaining the background to the award, which is therefore looking for initiatives that promote sustained interest and competence among children, young people and young adults. moinworld has taken 1st place at this year’s “ITEC Cares Award” of the IT-Executive Club of Hamburg@work.


Girls learning to code at school - moinschool

Learn to code in Hamburg’s schools We started our project moinschool with one idea in mind: to take away the fear and “I can’t do this” attitude girls have towards technology. As Marrie Curie said, “you don’t have to be afraid, you just have to understand everything”. We wanted to give the girls a chance to understand how programming works, and to encourage them to become creators of their future worlds, not just mere users.


Ruby on Rails Meetup @ XING SE

On Wednesday 05.12 we hosted our last meetup of 2018. This time we talked about Ruby and Ruby on Rails. We hosted our event on the headquarters of our partner XING SE. This event was like most of our Meetups beginner friendly. One of the goals of moinworld is to motivate women to learn new programming languages and stay curious to learn something new. Leila our first speaker


moinworld Team Hamburg - Florian

Women Techmakers Hamburg to moinworld Hi I am Florian. I was already a part of the community when it just started out as the Women Techmakers Meetup. I think Diversity is important in any field and I like contributing to making a change. I am a software developer and have been interested in computers since I was a child of around 5 years old. The first topics that caught my interest were computer game, which then made me want to learn more about computers in general.


moinworld Team Munich- meet Julia

I was born in Germany, grew up in Denmark and studied in Great Britain. After studying psychology for four years, I did research as a psychologist at a hospital in Copenhagen and quickly realised that it was nothing for me: the work had no impact and was too ‘slow’ for me. That’s when I got in touch with the tech world: I joined the London/Munich Tech Start Up KOMPAS as Community Lead to get a feel for the startup world.


moinschool Learning Design Thinking

Moinschool started in September to integrate more female students into our community We started our project moinschool in Hamburg at the event TINCON Hamburg where we had a workshop with aluminum boats which illustrated how computer science is about problem solving. To take that a step further, we continued with design thinking session last week back at the school. Design thinking sounds like one of the latest buzz-words, but in reality it is nothing more than problem solving, in a less tranditional sense.


moinworld Team - Joyce

Hey everybody, I’m Joyce Marlen Paquo. As a former student of Gender Studies and Pedagogy, I am studying for a Master’s degree in the fields of personnel and management development, career orientation and political consulting. In addition to research, I work in the field of education. And as it is, whether in my studies or at work, the nebulous word “digitization” is used all over the place. Looking for a voluntary internship, I stumbled across moinworld at the end of 2017 - the perfect combination of my interests (gender & education) and curiosities (IT & startup).


Our monthly Hack- and Coworking-Night

moinwold Hack- and Coworking-Night at XING – not your regular hacknight In September we started our first Hack- and Coworking-Night in addition to our programming classes. You probably made use of study groups at university or high school and you already know that sometimes it is more fun to study in a group. Learning how to code is a journey and we would like to provide you with as many opportunities as possible to stay on your track.


Summary of our Entrepreneurship Meetup at XING SE

How to create successful products Our last Meetup September 20th we met at XING SE in Hamburg to talk and act upon Entrepreneurship and getting ideas off the ground. This evening around 60 women (and a few men) experienced how much fun it is to create something and work on product ideas in a team of people you just met. In a city where less than 13% of startup’s management teams have a women included it is time for a change.
