
Natalia Java Developer from Moscow now teaching you Android Development

Hi, I am a Java Developer Hi, all! My name is Natalia and I’m a Java Programmer with four years experience in Software Development. I started my career in Moscow being a student. After my graduation from National Research Nuclear University with a specialisation Mathematics and Informatics and I got an opportunity to develop myself into a Java Developer :) After moving to Germany I continued my career. I have been interested in Informatics since school and curious about new technologies and approaches in Computer Science.


A review of our kick off on February 1st 2017

Some Impressions from our kick off on february 1st. at the Google Office in Hamburg - moin world! Anja Anna Diana Eva Steffi You Google Office Hamburg Google 's Buffet Google 's Buffet Esailors IT Solutions Team Füsun Wehrmann & Uygar Sönmez Füsun Wehrmann & Uygar Sönmez David Kiger / Yelp Otto Team Martin Kleppe / Ubilabs


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