Julia Evelyn Larsen

Co-founder CryptoWomen Copenhagen at moinblockchain 19

About Julia

Julia is the co-founder of CryptoWomen CPH and just finished her master’s thesis at CBS on the topic of blockchain for social good. She has interned for the Danish Foreign Ministry’s Innovation Department in Germany where she helped to set up partnerships between tech startups and big companies and learned to think across borders and in terms of innovation eco-systems. Using tech for good and making tech accessible for all are her core focus areas, and her current project is setting up a PyLadies chapter in Copenhagen.

About Julia’s talk

Masterclass: Blockchain Evolution: Building Technology for Social Good. Blockchain for Good? In this Masterclass you will see that the technology is used and will be used in a wide range of social work. It is an exploration of the current state of best-practice for both technologists and NGOs considering working with blockchain based systems.

Diversity meets tech innovation

October 18th, 2019 || Hamburg City Center

Buy tickets now!